The Zone Performs Darkside of the Moon with Wizard of Oz

The Zone and Spidergawd at TRIP 10/1/09

We’ve all done it…just some of us deny the strangeness of it….synced up Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd with the Wizard of Oz movie.  You don’t have to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or Jesus.  You don’t need to be under the influence of psychoactive drugs.  You just need to open your mind to the possibility that it does work…and there you are.

Zone performs Dark Side of the Moon @ Sainte Rocke in Redondo Beach, CA
Zone performs Dark Side of the Moon @ Sainte Rocke in Redondo Beach, CA

Now, Thursday night in Santa Monica, CA at a place, ironically, called TRIP, the ZONE will play live the Dark Side of the Moon album LIVE while they play The Wizard of Oz on the screen behind them.  A true experience in live entertainment.  I’ve seen them do this once before and it was really cool.  Forget the fact that the Zone performs the album excellently, the way they get the timing down to sync with the movie was flawless last time.  Best $7.00 you’ll spend this week on entertainment.  Following their Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard set, The Zone will fill the rest of the night with covers from Phish, the Beatles and many other jamband favorites.

Spidergawd performs at The Cellar in Long Beach, CA
Spidergawd performs at The Cellar in Long Beach, CA

Opening for the Zone will be local Americana Rock band, Spidergawd.  Taking their influences from the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, The Band among others, Spidergawd will mix familiar sounding originals in with the hits from the hippie generation into their show.  Featuring Charlie Hornsby (Bruce Hornsby’s cousin) on keys, Spidergawd is just a fun band to go listen to over a couple of beers.  Fun music you want to hear.

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