Get Your Hand on Quactus’ New Album

Los Angeles jamband, Quactus is in the studio finishing up their second album, “A Sense of We.”  They’re giving you, the fan, a chance to be a part of the album by including photos of fans hands on the album.  Check out the info and lend a “hand” to Quactus’ album.

Quactus is Greg Zachan, Matthew McDuffee, Gabriel Weiner and Seth Gordon

“In preparation for the release of our new album, “A Sense of We”, we are asking anyone and everyone to give us a hand, literally.

We can’t tell you exactly what we’re going to be doing with them, but it has something to do with the artwork. So we need pictures of hands, your hands. So please email us your pictures, or forward us a link to where we can download it. We ask that you photograph one hand, either one is ok, and it can be either side of the hand and in any orientation. Please do not write anything on your hands. Tattoos may be acceptable. And, please photograph the hand on a solid background, the lighter the better. See the example at

We have no limit to how many hands, so pass the word along, and let’s get a ton of em. We want to include as many people’s hands from all over the world to help us create “A Sense of We.”

As a thank you, anyone who sends us a usable hand will have their name included in the liner notes for the album. The final date for submission is April 1, 2010.”

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