San Francisco Hippie Fiasco Party Recap

Josh Clark of Tea Leaf Green with Nathan Moore and the Fiasco kazoo!

Oh, Hippy Fiasco, how you wooed me.  Saturday’s sunny Mission afternoon gathering brought together an intimate group of friends along side some of San Francisco’s finest musicians, all there to marvel at the songs of the one and only Nathan Moore.  It was a near perfect Fiasco.

Fred Torphy of Big Light and Trevor Garrod of Tea Leaf Green on Coco’s roofdeck

Fred Torphy of Big Light opened with a set of his own songs, followed by Trevor Garrod of Tea Leaf Green.  Nathan Moore took charge of the evening with his own intoxicating folk poetry, lulling the crowd to an acoustic bliss. The songwriters sat perched atop a wooden roofdeck overlooking the ever-colorful 24th Street, playing in harmony with the sounds of the eclectic Mission below.  Street vendors jingled bells as their food carts wheeled by, nearby Mission chuch bells chimed in with their own lullaby, and firecrackers popped in the distance.

Trevor Garrod of Tea Leaf Green with the Coques Design Hippy Fiasco poster

As the sun mellowed from the sky guests expressed how truly blessed they felt to be present at this intimate San Francisco show.  A huge thanks to Nathan Moore, and to all who made this magical evening.  May Hippy Fiasco ride again!

To purchase a Coques Design Hippy Fiasco poster from either of the two nights visit or email coco at


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