Tuesday Jam Night at the Shore With Warren-Hague Experiment

Warren-Hague Experiment at The Shore

On a Tuesday night in Hermosa Beach, if you’re looking for good jam music you needn’t look farther than The Shore on Hermosa Blvd.  Every Tuesday night, The Shore hosts a jam night featuring two or three local jam bands each week.  Last night, however, the night was owned alone by Hermosa’s own Warren-Hague Experiment featuring some of the hottest local talent on one stage.

Shaun Hague

The brain child of former Electric Blue bass player, Brian Warren and guitar genius, Shaun Hague, the Warren-Hague Experiment dives deeply into the classic rock, blues and rock-a-billy genres pulling out classics from ZZ Top, The Beatles, The Doors, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix to name just a few.  Highlighted by the amazing keyboard talents of Steve Aguilar, Warren and Hague deliver a great show trading vocals between them.  Hague’s guitar chops are solid and jammy.  Warren and the drummer, Enrique Gonzalez, lay down a tight rhythm section.  I’m looking forward to hearing more from W-HE.

Steve Aguilar

Warren told me after the show, “This was our second show together.”  Hard to believe, they sound like they’ve played together for years.

Indoradioonline.com sponsors the Tuesday night Jam Night.

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