Bob Weir and Mother Hips Played for Rain Forest Benefit in SF

Bob Weir and the Mother Hips Rocked for the Rainforest

Thursday, October 14th celebrated the 25th anniversary of RAN, (also known as The Rain Forest Action Network), in its home city of San Francisco, with a little help from Bob Weir and The Mother Hips.

RAN is an innovative environmental activist group that brings awareness to protecting the rain forest and last remaining acres of wildlands in the world.  Victories include invoking change in large corporations such as Burger King and General Mills, who now partake in new environmentally conscious corporate policies as a result of RAN’s involvement.

The event was highlighted by speeches from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other prominent activists, followed by two sets of fine Bay area style rocking.  The party was held on a private floor of San Francisco’s Metreon, with organic hors d’oeuvres, an open bar of eco cocktails and sustainable wines, and an environmental-themed photobooth, complete with “Shame on Chevron” prop signs.  Rock photographer Jay Blakesberg captured the evening with his fantastic lens as Bonnie Raitt and numerous Bay area musicians speckled the crowd, all flanked by fabulous views of a twinkling San Francisco evening.

On a stage set between giant photographs of exotic parrots and tigers, The Hips rocked through a set of their own tunes before Bob Weir joined them for an all Dead set, as party-goers moved tables aside and danced the night away.

The Dead set went like this:

Maggie’s Farm
Little Red Rooster
Friend of the Devil
The Other One
Going Down the Road Feeling Bad

Photos attached of Tim Bluhm and the Hips backing Bob.

For more information on RAN, please visit:

More photos from the event at Jay Blakesberg Photography’s Facebook page.

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