- Old Dead on the Mountain Festival
And you thought festival season was over! Turns out there’s one more festivus for So. Cal to wrap it’s arms around this year. Howard Freiberg, concert promoter who staged the Dead on The Mountain shows back in the day, has resurrected this institution of So. Cal lore and is bringing three days of camping and music to the Los Angeles mountains just off Hwy 15 in Wrightwood, CA. While the big shocker is no CUBENSIS performing at this DOTM, the line-up is still jam-packed with great So. Cal talent including Jerry Garcia Band tribute, The Maykers, QUACTUS, Mother Jones Band and a band near and dear to our heart, The Shakedown.
Tickets are only $33.00 for 3 days including camping. Only 300 tickets are being sold, so this intimate little family gathering in the mountains should be stellar. The 23rd is a full moon so you know it’s gonna get weird.
Line-Up and Schedule:
FRIDAY 10/22
CRYPTICAL DEVELOPMENT featuring members of RUM RUNNERS, SUNS OF THE DEAD, AND TIGER ROSE! http://www.facebook.com/CrypticalDevelopment?v=wall
MOTHER JONES – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mother-Jones-Band/57802743872
SPIDERGAWD – http://www.facebook.com/Spidergawd?ref=ts#!/Spidergawd?v=app_19935916616&ref=ts
THE MAYKER’S – Tribute to Jerry Garcia – http://www.livestream.com/themaykers
DELTA NOVE – http://www.facebook.com/deltanoveband
THE SHAKEDOWN – http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Shakedown/115734985135726
QUACTUS – http://www.facebook.com/Quactus
BLADE OF GRASS – http://www.myspace.com/bladeofgrassmusic
CHEAP THRILLS Tribute to Janis Joplin – http://www.facebook.com/l/f94bd;www.myspace.com/cheepthrills
For more information and to buy tickets visit, http://www.howardpresents.com/Dead_On_The_Mountain_Tix.php
wish i had heard about it before today. whatever you guys did to spread the word didn’t work so well. maybe next time……
Can dogs come?