LA To Show Solidarity With Wall Street Protesters by Staging Their Own Protest Oct. 1st

Showing the right coast that the left coast hears them loud and clear, an organization called “Occupy LA” will take to the streets in downtown Los Angeles on October 1st in solidarity with their brothers and sisters camping out on Wall Street.  Does LA really care?  I mean, the only thing downtown right now is the Conrad Murray Trial and LA Live.  The last thing that LA got together to stand up and protest about was Gay Marriage and Legalization of Marijuana.  In those cases everyone kinda hung out for a few hours and then went back to not caring about anyone else.

Is downtown the place to do this?  Seems like the place in LA to wave the freedom flag would be Hollywood and Highland.  Right in the heart of tourist town.  The protest this weekend will be witnessed by 5 bums,  6 hookers, 3 crack dealers and a handful of hipsters who are too cool to protest with the common folk.  The crack dealers will take offense.  The hookers will get some business and the bums will be un-discernable from the protesters.

Here’s the details:

10am: March from Pershing Square to LA City Hall
12pm: Occupation begins at LA City Hall

There will be groups at both Pershing Square and LA City Hall before the march to welcome occupiers.

********CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 1ST!***********

Bring your sleeping bags, tents, food, hygiene products, flashlights, anything else you can think of to sustain occupying overnights, and most importantly, BRING YOUR SIGNS!

“We are the 99%”
“Occupy LA”
Whatever signs you’d like, get creative!


~Occupy LA
About Occupy LA:
We are in solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet and the other occupations and actions happening across the nation and the world. We are the 99% that demand a world that works through democracy, not corporatocracy. We will not be silent. Join us. #OccupyLA

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