EOTO Brings Lotus Show to Yost Theater in Santa Ana, CA


When you hear or read EOTO, likely the first thing that comes to mind is “what the hell is an EOTO?”.   Is it an acronym for something?  What’s it mean, what’s it stand for, what the hell is it?  IT is a duo of musical artists made up of Michael Travis and Jason Hann, the rhythm section of the Colorado based jamgrass phenomenon, String Cheese Incident.  EOTO is no jamgrass though.  EOTO is pure inspirational, improvisational, mind blowing musical art combining live instruments with electronic sounds and a visual projector “LOTUS” stage that will slip your mind into the 6th dimension.

On a rainy Wednesday night in Southern California, EOTO rolled into the Yost Theater in Santa Ana, CA to bring their unique musical adventure to the folks in Orange County.  Not being an avid follower of the EDM (Electronic Dance Music) scene, I’d never seen EOTO before but had heard amazing tales of a visual show that would melt your brain.  I am, however, a huge fan of String Cheese Incident so I headed down to the Yost to give it a listen.  Impressed doesn’t even begin to describe my reaction.

ill.gates, a local DJ, kicked off the night with a great set.  Once again, not a DJ/EDM “fan” so he kept my attention about as long as an infomercial at 3am.  Just interesting enough to change the channel but certainly not going to pick up the phone and dial that number.  If you’re into DJ’s and that sort…he clearly has skill.  I wanted to have my mind blown by EOTO so if I had to sit through some preliminary warm up, so be it.  Once again…he’s not bad, I’m just not into DJs.

Time for EOTO!  Can’t tell you the names of the songs…not sure they even have names.  The long time combo of Travis and Hann with SCI has apparently melded their brains together to operate as one unit as they teleport the crowd through their hard driving electronic show.  Feeding off each other all night long without break, Hann stood like a rock behind his drums knocking out the beats and vocals while Travis, always moving, bounced between guitar, bass and his plethora of beat, sound and funky noise machines.  Both were nestled comfortably within the pedals of a giant lotus flower which provided a visual psychedelic journey surrounding the players.  A true work of fluid art that hits all senses on all cylinders.

EOTO will take to the stage two more times in Southern California this week at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles on Friday night and the San Diego House of Blues on Saturday.  If both of these shows are anything like last night at the Yost, minds will be blown.

Check out more from EOTO at their website.

More Photos from EOTO at the YOST THEATER.



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