New App for Musicians and Fans,

You ever wish we were back in the day where you bought a whole album for more than just the songs?  Hell, how about buying an album INSTEAD of just ONE song?  I remember the days when the purchase of an album of music also included such wonderful additions as liner notes (little messages from the band printed inside on the album sleeve), song-by-song lyrics, photographs and sometimes little extras tucked inside that 12″ sleeve of cardboard.  Now, in the modern era, music has been reduced to bits and bites of information you can download from a music site for $.99 while missing out on the depth and breadth of all that wonderful “additional information”.  Sure, you can go digging for it but, in the ADD world we live in, you and I know that’s not going to happen.  Well, now with the invention of, you don’t have to.

Slyde today announces its launch available for both iOS and Android. This unique, immersive music product, inspired by the best of tangible music releases, magazines, and digital sharing, is a break from the crowded space of streaming, radio and playlists, and focuses on rich content experience directly from artists.

multiple artists
A slyde is a mobile magazine built around a new music single where music fans can experience new releases and related exclusive content (articles, liner notes, lyrics, photo galleries and videos) available over a limited time promotional window.  Artists can use their slyde as a bottleneck for promotional content during a new music release and can engage and monetize directly to fans before sending singles out to established download and streaming markets.  Slyde is completely sidestepping the streaming debate by focusing on limited-time promotional windows, direct-to-artist relationships, and new rapid, diversified monetization methods.

“Slyde is a free scalable platform for releasing singles and rich content that the industry has been in need of for a long time,” notes Jason Peltz, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder.  “Artists and management teams are excited at the prospect of Slyde — think of the visibility and success of artist app releases like those from Jay-Z and Lady Gaga. Slyde puts that kind of publishing capability into the hands of even more artists, all within a unified ecosytem.”

Along with today’s launch of the company, Slyde debuts with over 50 participating artists, many of whom will release singles and content on day one. Notables include Grammy winners, American Idol contestants and artists featured on the Billboard charts.

“We set out to create a new format. Slyde was designed to recapture a certain kind of discovery experience (physical albums, liner notes, imagery, etc.) that we think is missing from the landscape, and bring that experience forward into current technology,” said Edward Ludvigsen, Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder. “As a promotional tool, Slyde empowers artists to engage fans directly with all sorts of content attached to their newest releases, and to drive a new array of transactions.”

Whether you’re an artist or a fan, certainly offers something for both of you.  For the artist, you’ll be able to get more than just a song in their ears.  You’ll be able give them a full experience ripe with photos, reviews, notes, personal messages and more.  For the fan, it’s your “one stop shop” for everything you’ve ever wanted to know about your old favorite, new favorite or just discovered artist.  No more hunting around the web…just slide into Sylde and take a look around.

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