Quactus Plays Marathon Show in Malibu, CA at Winery


The place, Rosenthal Winery’s “wine garden” behind their beach side wine tasting room on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, CA.  A beautiful setting for anything but on Saturday, May 31st it was the setting for something I haven’t seen in a long time…a marathon Quactus show.

There are many shows for us music fans.  Most nights you can wander into your local venue and see a two or three band line-up of decent players doing what they do for 45-90 minutes and then they’re done.  Out the door an on to spend their collective $50 the way they see fit.  It’s a rare time, even for the big bands, to take on a 3 set, 6 hour romp through their musical catalog.  On Saturday, the prog-jam band, Quactus from LA did just that and did it with incredible precision and jammy goodness that I had to share.

Highlights from the show…ALL OF IT!  Complimented nicely by the Rosenthal Vinyards wines!


May 31, 2014; Rosenthal Winery; Malibu, CA:

Set 1: Scarlet Begonias (Grateful Dead) > Fever Boy > Them, The Journey, Radar Love, It Isn’t True, Quactus Radio SPF 30* > Keeping You Close > Have A Cigar (Pink Floyd), Happy Birthday^, Happy Birthday~, Might Be You, Superflitious

Set 2: Happy Birthday+, Going Down The Road Feeling Bad, His Father’s Son > Firefly, The Ocean (Led Zeppelin), Poison (Bel Biv DeVoe), Poinephobe > Drinko > Roger Waters, Freedom (Jimmy Hendrix), Cutting Corners

Set 3: Wine > Suzy Greenberg (Phish), Fearless, A Little Less Conversation (Elvis), If I Lost My Way, Esprit D’escalier, This Is How We Do It (Montel Jordan)

Encore: Finally Free

* Impromptu Jam/Song, First Time Played
^ Rock Style
~ Reggae Style
+ Country/Rap Style


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