Robin Williams Remembered 1951-2014

5.0.2Throughout time we are faced with the harsh reality that all life must come to an end someday.  That the party we call existence must, like all parties, come to an end.  Some pass leaving a mark on a few cherished friends and loved ones while others leave an indelible mark upon the lives of millions.  Robin Williams, actor, comedian, philanthropist, father, husband, son, was one of the latter.

From early childhood his comedic life began to imprint itself upon yours truly.  As a zany space man from Ork in the Mork & Mindy show to his films Popeye, World According to Garp and Moscow on the Hudson.  As the years pressed on, Robin was still there keeping me smiling with Club Paradise, Good Morning Vietnam, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Cadillac Man, Aladin, Ferngully, Mrs. Doubtfire, Toys, The Birdcage, Jack, Flubber and so many more.  His dramatic roles in films like Awakenings, Good Will Hunting, What Dreams May Come, Bicentennial Man, One Hour Photo and Insomnia balance it all out giving us all a look through the eyes of a genius actor who could make you go from laugh to cry in a split second.

One role stands out, to me, as a shining moment for a career peppered with a myriad of shining moments…Dead Poets Society.  Being a student of the language and a lover of the written word, William’s portrayal of a prep school poetry teacher who truly understood the true meaning of what it means to write and read great words is and was one for the history books.

“What will your verse be?” asks Williams as he quotes Walt Whitman.  I ask you the same.  While some will merely contribute a verse, Mr. Williams contributed far more.  He contributed a sonnet of his very own.

I’ll miss your smiling face, your rapier wit and the many voices that expressed just the right thing at the right time.  Rest in Peace, funny man.  And in the immortal words of Robin Williams from his Weapons of Mass Distraction show…”What the fuck!?”

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