Recap of Mike Gordon at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles, CA


Mike Gordon, familiar bass player from Vermont’s treasured PHISH, brought his solo project to LA on January 29th to perform at the Fonda Theater in Hollywood, CA.  The band included Robert Walther, John Kimock (son of Steve Kimock), Scott Murawski and Craig Myers.  While I can’t say I knew a lot of the songs, the heavy bass lines as well as infectious keyboards by Walther made the entire night entertaining.  Familiar (to me) in the set were Phish songs Meat and Cities along with Gordon’s original Yarmouth Road.

One thing I’d expect from Phish (and any offshoot for that matter) would be an impressive light show to go along with the music.  While Gordon and company attempted a different kind of visual show, including a big light up box that was handed around the room and lit up when you touched it, the visual show was rather lacking.  Nice try but, to me, it needs work.

It was also really cool to see John Kimock behind the drum kit.  While his father is more known for his guitar skills, John seems right at home behind the drums.

John Kimock

Mike Gordon, Friday, 01/29/2016
The Fonda Theatre, Los Angeles, CA

Set 1: Here Today, Daisy Hill Grove, Long Black Line, Cruel World, Meat -> Say Something

Set 2: Different World -> Crazy Sometimes -> Take It As It Comes, Yarmouth Road, Number 1 Crush > Tiny Little World > Traveled Too Far

Encore: How Many People Are You > Cities

A big thanks has to be extended to the great staff at the Fonda along with Sydney and Kelsey at GoldenVoice.  Couldn’t ask for better folks to work with.


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