Yonder Mountain String Band at Coach House San Juan Capistrano

Yonder Mountain String Band w/ special guest, John from Old Salt Union

Now, I have to admit, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen some Yonder Mountain String Band.  Like YEARS.  Not that they haven’t been on my radar, our paths just hadn’t crossed.  So, when I found out they would be playing at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, a mere 13 minutes down the road from me, I jumped at the chance to go reacquaint myself with some music from my past.  I’m so glad I did.

Kicking off the night was Old Salt Union, another “traditional” bluegrass outfit from St. Louis, MO.  Great choice to pair up with YMSB.  They played a healthy set from 8pm-9pm and warmed up the Coach House crowd.

Yonder came out about 9:20 and hit the ground running with Saint in the City.  I didn’t know the tune but it certainly got everyone’s attention and the energy up in the room.  This was followed by the cover of King Harvest’s “Dancin’ in the Moonlight”, a tasty treat…but not the only one.  Just two songs later a powerful version of Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” was delivered by the 37 week pregnant fiddle player, Allie Kral.  Let that sink in for a minute.  She’s 3 weeks from giving birth and still out there giving 110% on stage almost every night.

Jokingly, Kral told the crowd, “Tonight is my baby’s 71st show.  It will either come out loving bluegrass…or death metal.”

The next highlight for me was when they busted out “Another Day”.  As I mentioned earlier, it’ had been awhile since I have seen YMSB and to hear this blast from the way past was a real treat.

For the end of the set they brought out John Brighton, fiddle player from Old Salt Union to jam with them and jam they did.

Setlist 3/29/18

Coach House, San Juan Capistrano, CA

Saint in the City, Dancing in the Moonlight, Jail Song, Jolene, Insult>Jam>Fingerprint, Another Day, Pass This Way>EMD>Pass This Way, %All In Time>%New Dusty>%All The Time

Encore: Just the Same

% w/ John from Old Salt Union on fiddle


Yonder Mountain String Band concludes their tour with 3.30 at the Belly Up in Solana Beach and 3.31 in Tempe, AZ.


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