Guy Who Claims To Work For Phish Beats Phan Bloody Over Stickers

When I saw this video I was appalled that someone would beat someone bloody over stickers.  Even worse, he claims he works for Phish.  Watch the video then read the account from the YouTube poster below.

From digiprez77 on YouTube: Asian guy or friend allegedly was selling stickers and big guy tried to take them away after showing some creds. Fight ensued during which the asian guy was pepper sprayed multiple times, then hit with a walkie-talkie, which is where all the blood came from. Big guy was poked in the eye. It is still not really clear who really instigated the fight, seems like both sides were at least partially at fault.

The big guy is a karate instructor, and claims to work lots for bands including Phish looking for illegal merchandise, which he confiscates. He has been sighted at venues in the past doing similar things to what you see here.

I understand the need to attempt to stem the bootleg market on lots, and I never buy anything, but this is not the way to curb illegal sales. I am not aware that the asian guy was even arrested or anything. He apparently returned to the lot after being treated medically.

Clearly this enforcer guy is a liability to anyone that hires him. Reminds me of when the Hell’s Angels were hired by the Dead. No one should have to go to a concert and see an act like this perpetrated by someone who possibly works for the band.

It remains unclear whether or not the big guy really works for Phish, as no one has claimed responsibility for him. Luckily there were apparently no really serious injuries, and true to form some loyal Phish fans got in there and prevented further conflict, despite the health risks.

If nothing more comes of this at least people know that contributing to the bootleg merchandise trade in any way contributes to things like this. Phish has let us record and distribute their music for free for years, how much more do we need from them? I do not condone violence in any form, but there ARE people ripping the band off, and they do deserve to be punished, but in a court, not on the street.

I really hope that this video helps to resolve this issue and maybe even prevent things like this from happening in the future. We are a self-policing group for the most part, or would like to have it that way, so it is our responsibility to keep the lots safe and fun. Original artwork and clothing designs are fine and contribute to the community, but bootleg logo stickers and t-shirts that constitute copyright infringement do not belong on the lot. There is a store for that.

Like I said, I do not condone violence of any kind on the lot, but Phish and bands like them do have the right to protect their property. It just shouldn’t happen in any way shape or form resembling this fracas…

This really freaked me out.

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