Presidential Run for Romney…Hugh Romney aka “Wavy Gravy”

When picking your candidate for President you want someone you can get behind on important issues.  Someone who can control an otherwise out of control situation.  A candidate who knows how to keep it cool when the heat is on.  That’s why, in 2012 your vote should go for Romney.  Not Mitt…Hugh, aka Wavy Gravy.  The man who ran security at Woodstock Music and Arts Festival in 1969.  The clown who helmed the legendary “Hog Farm.”  The man who woke up a half a million people with the words, “What we have in mind was breakfast in bed for 400,000.” and “The whole Earth is in jail and we’re plotting this incredible jailbreak.”

I joke but honestly, we’ve had such a long string of clowns in the Whitehouse, we might as well have a real clown who may in fact know what the hell he’s doing.

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