Pre-Halloween Weekend Cubensis and Quactus in Long Beach, CA

Halloween won’t be here until Thursday but this past weekend Grateful Dead Tribute, Cubensis and Southern California jamband, Quactus, took to the PCH Club at the Golden Sails Best Western Hotel in Long Beach, CA to kick off the spooky holiday a little early.  Saturday night was the annual “Halloween Masquerade Ball” with Cubensis’ performance of their “Mystery Album.”  Every year they bust out a different album and perform it in it’s entirety.  This year was no different with one exception.  They had the artist but couldn’t decide on an album so they created their version of Dire Straits “Greatest Hits.”  A brilliant performance of a great band…by a great band.  Check out the video!

Quactus opened up the night with a first time played, crowd pleasing, cover of Phish’s “Wolfman’s Brother”.  Their set continued with a great selection of Quactus favorites including a version of “Ants” that blew me away.  That song hasn’t been played live in almost 5 years and it was welcomed back with excitement from a happy crowd.  The whole set carried the “Halloween” theme as they transitioned between songs with the theme from the film “Halloween.”  Capping it all off with a rousing rendition of Penguin’s Last Dance (last played September 2011), complete with a spontaneous call and repeat from the audience, into the theme from “Ghostbusters” they left the crowd at the PCH Club crying for more Quactus!



October 26, 2013; PCH Club; Long Beach, CA:

Halloween Theme Music* > Wolfman’s Brother^, Fearless > Fever Boy, Halloween Theme, The Ants~, Might Be you$ > Halloween, The Penguin’s Last Dance+ > Ghostbusters%

* First Time Played, John Ron Carpenter Jr
^ First Time Played, Phish
~ Last Time Played, March 7, 2009
$ Halloween Theme Tease
+ Last Time Played, September 24, 2011
% Last Time Played, October 30, 2010

 Special Thanks to Marla Klein and Mr. Moonscooter for their videos!

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