Quactus Album “A Sense of We” Released Today

A Sense of We

The much anticipated album from California Jamband, Quactus, hits the shelves today!  Featuring guest artists Steve Molitz from Particle and Mike Mangan from Big Organ Trio, Shakedown News can’t wait to get our hands on the new album.  “A Sense of We” has a unique cover, spelling out “A Sense of We” with photos of hands sent in by fans of the band.  If you sent in your hand, check out the cover to see if you can find your hand.

Quactus commented on their website, “After the many months of recording, editing, mixing, and more mixing, we are thrilled that you all get to finally hear what we’ve worked so hard to create for you. We hope you dig it. If you do, let us know, and let your friends know too!”

We’ve heard the first two tracks from the album, “At Ease” and “Superflitous” and both are great.  “At Ease” was featured as the Editor’s Pick of the Month in Relix magazine two months ago.  Well deserving and a great way to start an album.  “Superflitious” features Mangan’s amazing Hammond B3 stylings.

You can find the album for download on iTunes, Amazon, Napster, and CDBaby.  You can also order a hard copy directly from Quactus by going to the Merch page on their website, www.quactus.com.

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